Transparency Report
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act of 1979, the State School Aid Act, requires each school district and intermediate school district to post a variety of data on its website. The Annual Budget and Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.
Additional information is available on the Annual Website Report.
Meadowview School 98b Goals
Public Act 48 of 2021, Section 98b requires that all schools within a district establish educational goals expected to be achieved for the 2021-22 school year.
Meadowview Student Achievement Goals for 2022-23 School Year - September 2022
Meadowview Student Achievement Goal Progress Report - February 2023
Meadowview Student Achievement Goal Progress Report - June 2023
Meadowview Student Achievement Goals for 2021-22 School Year - October 2021
Meadowview Student Achievement Goal Progress Report - February 2022
Meadowview Student Achievement Goal Progress Report - June 2022
Board Approved Budget and Subsequent Revisions
Eaton RESA is a regional educational service agency created by the legislature in 1962 to bring about quality and equitable educational opportunities to students and schools throughout the state. We provide instructional and administrative services to six school districts, three non-public districts and three public school academies within our boundaries. We serve the broader community by working in cooperation with our constituent districts and community agencies to help over 13,000 students achieve school and life success. Our Board of Education is elected by the board members of the constituent districts we serve. The Eaton RESA Board of Education adopts the budget no later than June 30 each year. Within 15 days of adoption, the budget is posted to our website, and any subsequent budget amendments are also posted within the 15-day timeframe.
FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget Resolutions 6/12/24
FY 2023-24 Revised Budget Resolutions 6/12/24
FY 2023-24 Revised Budget Resolutions 3/20/24
FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget Resolutions 6/14/23
FY 2022-23 Revised Budget Resolutions 6/14/23
FY 2022-23 Revised Budget Resolutions 3/15/23
FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget Resolutions 6/15/22
Personnel Expenditures
2023-24 Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
2023-24 Operating Expenditures
Current Bargaining Agreements
EIEA 2024-28 Master Agreement
ESPA 2023-25 Master Agreement
Employer-Sponsored Health Care Plans
WMHIP Health Plan Options
WMHIP (BCBS PPO) - Flexible Blue HDP Highlights - All Groups
WMHIP (BCBS PPO) - Versatile Highlights - All Groups
WMHIP (BCBS PPO) - Select Highlights - All Groups
WMHIP (BCBS PPO) - Simply Blue Highlights - All Groups
ADN Dental Highlights - All Groups
EyeMed Vision Highlights - All Groups
Audited Financial Statements
FY 2023-24 Audited Financial Statements
Bids Required Under Section 5 of the Public Employee Health Benefits Act, 2007 PA 106, MCL 124.75
Health Insurance Bid Summary - Spring 2016 by Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.
Policy on Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Equipment
6320 Purchasing
6325 Procurement of Federal Grant Funds
Policy on Specific Categories of Reimbursable Expenses
3440 Reimbursement of Job-Related Expenses
Accounts Payable Check Register
FY 2023-24 Accounts Payable Check Register
Educator Evaluation Posting Assurances
Teacher Evaluation Assurances
Superintendent Evaluation Assurances
Administrator Evaluation Assurance
Annual Report
Eaton RESA welcomes the opportunity to communicate with our community on how we utilize the resources provided to us. Our spending decisions support our mission to provide the leadership, programs, and services that complement and enhance the efforts of constituent school districts in extending educational opportunities to all students.
We are strongly focused on supporting school improvement efforts, providing cost-effective business solutions, offering programs for students, helping parents, and working within our community to maximize resources for all families. Just like any other business organization, we issue paychecks, our staff travel to trainings and conferences, we contract with outside vendors or services, and we incur legal costs. Unlike other business organizations, we are governed by a school board selected by our customers, who are our local districts. Everything we do is subject to public review at any time, by any person or organization.
If you simply review the numbers in this report, you have only scratched the surface of our organization. We invite you to dig deeper into our website and learn more about our programs.