Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Current Goals and Focus Areas

Student Achievement: Increase the achievement and success of all students within the Eaton RESA service area.

  • Increase school readiness in the areas of early literacy and numeracy for children transitioning into kindergarten across Eaton RESA.
  • Increase levels of proficiency for all students on third grade English Language Arts (ELA) and Math benchmarks across Eaton RESA.
  • Increase the extent to which K-12 students engage in career development and students in grade 7-12 are career and college ready.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication: Increase engagement and communication efforts with internal and external stakeholders. 


  • Increase diversity, equity and inclusion practices, supports and resources that create a welcoming and affirming environment where all Eaton RESA students, staff and stakeholders feel valued.
  • Increase support for staff through strategic retention, recruitment and wellness activities.
  • Increase internal and external stakeholder support through transparent communications and community engagement efforts.
  • Increase capacity for and implementation of shared services based on constituent needs.

Whole Child Supports: Increase efforts to support the whole child by creating healthy, safe, engaging, challenging and supportive learning environments.


  • Implement evidence-based early childhood and K-12 Social-Emotional Learning practices.
  • Increase the extent to which stakeholders and local districts can ensure access to education, behavior and mental health supports to address the needs of all students.
  • Increase student attendance while decreasing instances of truancy through family and student engagement efforts.

PDF DocumentEaton RESA 2021-2026 Strategic Plan
PDF DocumentEaton RESA 2016-2021 Strategic Plan